
I went to Banner, MS in March for a week of field training. It is a great group of people to train with. We get a lot done and have fun doing it. Win happened to come into season so I had to pull her from the hunt test I had her entered in the following weekend. It would have been her first senior test. But we still got to come out and play at Coolwater Farms. Sadly for Abner I had to leave the boy at home.

For the good news, it looks like we should have puppies around May 8, 2024. I will take Win in for an ultrasound April 5. I had planned to run her and Abner at the Central Kentucky Retriever Club hunt test at the end of March. Now only Abner is going but he won’t mind being the only dog. I will update as things progress.

Thanks to Justine Embach of Dark Water Labradors for the great pictures you took during training.

I took a few as we were training. It is a perfect afternoon when the weather is beautiful and you can get out to work your dog.